Branch Quick Links

Marketing links that just work

Create pathways to your app that users can recognize and trust.

Create your first link

Let your deep link URLs reflect
your brand

Use Branch Quick Links to customize redirects, analytics information, and social media tags. Existing users will associate your links with the brand you’ve built, and new users will trust that the link will route them to the app content they intend to view.

Where can I use Branch Quick Links?

Quick Links can be used in your social media channels, blog posts, influencer networks, and more. We handle all the edge cases so your links always work, everywhere. Better yet, we provide individual link-level analytics so you can get insights into link performance.

Wondering how a Branch Quick Link opens your app?

Learn more about deep linking

Image of social media icons where you can use Branch links, including Pintrest, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Gmail, and WhatsApp.

Quick Link creator

Create Quick Links in seconds

With Branch’s Quick Link creator, even non-technical team members can create deep links to app content by pasting in a web URL.

Branch automatically pulls the social media information, or OG tags, from the web link so you don’t have to. With this information, the Quick Link creator generates a preview of what your link will look like when posted on social media platforms. No more guessing or 
testing required!

Pro tip: the Quick Link creator can also generate QR codes!

Learn more about how Branch links work

Images showing how brands can create custom branded links in seconds with Branch.

Chrome extension

Create links on the go

With our Chrome extension, you can create Branch links and QR codes without even leaving the page you’re on.

Get the Branch Link creator Chrome extension

Chrome Extension QR code generator example

Ready to start optimizing your links?

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SKAdNetwork Adoption, Privacy Sandbox Updates, and How Marketers Should Prepare for Changes Now

We dive into some of the highlights from a recent webinar featuring industry experts — Adam Landis, Head of Growth at Branch, and David Philippson, Co-founder and CEO at Dataseat (now part of the Verve Group) — to get to the bottom of what’s really going on with SKAdNetwork (SKAN) and Google Privacy Sandbox, and how marketers should be preparing for the future of privacy and measurement.